Happy March 1st!
Today you would not think it's March, the weather is dull and does a little 'chilly.
Selene Yesterday my daughter and I went to see a new mother and now her little girl turns 1 month. E 'adorable and looks across to his dad. Here's what I've brought
A towel, a bib and a portaciuccio. I chose orange because at this time attracts me. When the mother opened the package said, "is beautiful and the orange is my favorite color as you can see the wheelchair also has this color !...."
I swear I did not know anything and I made a great impression!
Last week however I needed to do a package for a birthday ... I was not even a piece of wrapping paper. What to do? My neighbor gave me an anonymous bag and considering that we are at the carnival so I decorated:
Some shooting star and you're done. Do you like the idea?
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