Sunday, September 6, 2009

Soap Note, Occupational Therapy

Getting help from the Kenya Fisheries and lottery pro

E 'come in these days a heartfelt plea for help from Father Francis in favor of the population afflicted by a severe famine caused by drought. Valdisole Solidarity Association, involving the parishes of the Valley, organized to Next Sunday a special collection of funds for the Kenya at the end of Mass on Saturday evening and Sunday. It can also help by making a payment as a donation (deductible from the tax return) to the Cassa Rurale Alta Val di Sole and Peio in favor of the "Solidarity Valdisole non-profit organization" Emergency-Fame-cc on the provisional No. IT53J0816335750000110321062. The funds raised are sent directly by the Cassa Rurale cc of Father Francis, who shall immediately buy the food to the people most in need of his vast parish (25,000 inhabitants).
Below the letter from Father Francis:

To all my brothers in the priesthood of the Lord.
All my brothers, fathers and all the faithful.

Peace and love of the Lord be with you. I am Gracia
Brother Francis, pastor of the mission of St. Francis of Assisi in the Diocese of Meru, Kenya. I remember very well every time I spent with you. I remember the wonderful meeting with His Excellency the Archbishop, a Bishop of the people, meeting with government representatives, teachers and students.

remember the Holy Communion, all the smiles I received from people. That was a time of joy for me and I thank God for the gift of friendship.
I returned to my mission very satisfied.
Dear faithful are secure that you have read on the internet about the state of affairs in Kenya.
Everything you've heard is true. Climate change has destroyed the country. The rivers are drying up and 70% of people living from agriculture. For this reason, since the crops have dried up there was no harvest. Over the past three months the situation has worsened. The government is asking for food.
We live 300 km from the capital. Our politicians talk a lot but do not practice what they say.
Last Sunday I was celebrating the Holy Mass, during the song "Gloria, two women fainted ... I had two alternatives: either to continue the development and let the women die or take hospital 12 km away.
I let the catechist continued prayers and I ran to the hospital. The two women have small children and had not eaten anything in the last three days.
I can not explain everything that is happening, and the animals are dying.
As brothers and sisters in the faith of people who share the same God, the Savior and the same end, I ask you please to pray for Kenya. We need rain!
I also ask you to actually helping our communities. With a euro, a euro only, you can ensure a balanced diet to a human being.
I take this opportunity to thank you all. I hope to visit you again. I pray for you every time during Mass. Thanks again for your attention. Pray for me. I need your prayers so that you have the strength to lead my people.

God bless you.
Fr Francis Gracia


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