Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pre Workout Supplement

NEW TIMES AS 2009/2010

Given the current legislation on the reform of the education system;

Given the staffing and teacher ATA assigned to the JV "Paolo Borsellino" for the school year 2009/2010;

Given the reduction that will achieve in the coming five years as a result of the downsizing school staff;

Given the resolution of the Academic Board on the use of professional resources for enrichment and a better qualification of the training;

In the absence of indication of the "general criteria for adjusting school hours to local needs" by the School Council;

Given the need to ensure to ensure the smooth launch of ' school year, agreeing with the Board Local times for transport services provided by it in time for the Administration and for the families concerned,


that the class schedule for ' school year 2009/2010 will be:

School: 8.10 to 13.10

Primary School Casciavola: 8.00 to 13.00

Primary School Musigliano: 8.00 to 13.00

Primary School Titignano: 8.15 to 13.15

Primary School St. Lawrence to the courts: 8.20 to 13.20

Primary School, Zambra: 8 , 30 to 16.30

Preschool Titignano: 8.00 to 16.00

kindergarten Musigliano: 8.00 to 16.00

The Headmaster

Prof. Maria Carmela Carretta


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