Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How Much Is It To Get Married At The Cinderella

Last day of school

This year part of the morning the last day of school was devoted to the allocation of scholarship awards and sports.
Teachers and students gathered in the atrium of middle school and attended the exhibition of dance groups. Later, after the greetings and best wishes for happy holidays by the Director was awarded a scholarship pupil more deserving for the AS-2008-2009. The School Committee decided to have to give Frank Pedergnana 3 ° B (pictured together with Professor Gasperetti) for the strength of will, sense of duty and determination to the various commitments, as well as for the great willingness towards peers and adults. Francesca has always spent generously without ever making a constructive contribution to make it a source of pride.
was then projected a slide of the sport held during the year and were awarded the certificates to the most deserving athletes.
A warm thank you was also addressed by Director Prof. Paul Frenguelli that, after many years of service, has achieved the goal of retirement.


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