Saturday, January 31, 2009

What Causes Dry Heaving In The Morning


On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the school full time, "John XXIII" Zambra, we students, with the help of our teachers and the support of the teacher and vernacular Terrosi Biondi Maddalena, we made a book of memories on the past traditions and local games, compared to those of our times. An integral part of the book is the script of the play in the vernacular "The clock is ticking ... the ri'ordi remain" we staged and winner of the national poetry contest Friends of Rivalto-vernacular. "

What Causes Dry Heaving In The Morning


On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the school full time, "John XXIII" Zambra, we students, with the help of our teachers and the support of the teacher and vernacular Terrosi Biondi Maddalena, we made a book of memories on the past traditions and local games, compared to those of our times. An integral part of the book is the script of the play in the vernacular "The clock is ticking ... the ri'ordi remain" we staged and winner of the national poetry contest Friends of Rivalto-vernacular. "

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sovereign Bank Chex Systems

E '.. born on the school blog!

This is a new space where you can find articles, videos, pictures, news and more about our institution, but above all you can interact with us.

Happy to all blog !!!!!!!

Sovereign Bank Chex Systems

E '.. born on the school blog!

This is a new space where you can find articles, videos, pictures, news and more about our institution, but above all you can interact with us.

Happy to all blog !!!!!!!